Quiz challenges parents on their most nostalgic TV shows and presenters

How well do you remember the classic kids' TV shows and the people that presented them?

Take this quiz to see if you’re a TV whizz or if you need to brush up on your television knowledge.

It comes after a study of 2,000 mums and dads of children aged 11-18 found their most nostalgic TV shows are Top of the Pops, Grange Hill and Blue Peter.

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Nearly nine in 10 (89 per cent) have fond memories of programmes growing up, with Saved By The Bell, Art Attack and Byker Grove also featuring among the top 25.

As many as 82 per cent still reminisce over the moment they would get home from school and turn on the TV to view their favourite shows, while others claim the shows influenced their interests (41 per cent) and even their future career choices (32 per cent).

But 90 per cent feel the content their own kids consume has changed significantly since they were the same age, and 85 per cent said their children now watch online streaming content over traditional TV programmes.

As a result, 56 per cent find it difficult to keep on top of their child’s interests as they feel out of touch with the world of TikTok, influencers and gamers.

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The good old days of TV

It also emerged seven in 10 parents have noticed a significant difference in the fields of careers available to their children, compared to when they were a similar age, and 47 per cent of these find it can be difficult to support their children’s education and career decisions.

The study was commissioned by Talking Futures which has reunited Blue Peter duo Konnie Huq and Simon Thomas to help guide parents on how they can better support and engage their children in conversations around their future decisions.

The new content series, ‘Earn Your Badge’, features the pair tackling famous tasks such as the creation of Tracey Island while advising how to broach topics like career and education options.

Soccer Saturday host Simon Thomas said: “Having a 14-year-old myself, I fully understand the struggles in engaging teens in conversations around their futures. I think it’s important for parents to get into the habit of having career conversations regularly and it’s something that I broach with my son fairly often.

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“Time flies and it’s good to know what your kids are thinking early on. You don’t necessarily have to define a certain pathway but explore the various possibilities so that they know what’s out there.”

The top 20 most nostalgic kids' TV shows