STEVE POWER: This survey isn't to be sneezed at

'A lot of us return to work even though we know weve got flu thats still in the contagious stage''A lot of us return to work even though we know weve got flu thats still in the contagious stage'
'A lot of us return to work even though we know weve got flu thats still in the contagious stage'
Catch Steve Power At Breakfast, Monday to Friday 05.30-09.00 on Wave 105

n A new book suggests that Cressida Bonas split with Prince Harry because she couldn’t stand the public scrutiny she endured. Am I missing something here? She’s an actress. If she didn’t want to be in the public eye, she should have chosen a more inconspicuous career.

n Why do so many companies put out job ads asking for people who are self-starters, and then as soon as they’ve taken them on they keep asking them to take part in team building exercises? Make your mind up!

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n When are baby food manufacturers going to go the same way as pet food manufacturers and start bringing out nutritional dry food for babies and toddlers? Surely anyone who has ever fed a seven month-old child Bolognese sauce and then spent the next two hours cleaning it off the walls, will know what a good idea this is?

n Quality Street is replacing the ‘Toffee Deluxe’ in its tins of sweets and replacing it with a new choice, the ‘Honeycomb Crunch’. Has there ever been any greater confirmation that we live in an ageist society?

n Saw a food product labelled in the supermarket last week as ‘Greek-Style Taramasalata.’ I’m no expert on Taramasalata, but surely, ‘Greek-Style’ is the only style there is? Anyone ever had an ‘Malawi-Style Taramasalata’ or ‘French Style’? I mean, Taramasalata is a long enough name on its own. It makes no sense adding to it on the packaging. It’s not like there’s a lot of spare room.

n According to a new survey some teens eat fast food twice a day. Here’s three technical terms for people who just can’t stop eating this stuff: ‘Kebabicts’ – People who are addicted to donners; ‘Aficionando’ – A lover of Nandos chicken; ‘A Greggular’ – Someone who has a Greggs steak slice every day.