STEVE POWER: '˜Early' Easter eggs are good because you won't be tempted to scoff them

Choccy eggs are already on sale in supermerketsChoccy eggs are already on sale in supermerkets
Choccy eggs are already on sale in supermerkets
Catch Steve Power on the drive home, Monday to Friday 16:00-20:00 on Wave 105

Surely this is the time of year when people driving to work is at its peak and I can’t imagine the people working on the improvements particularly enjoy spending their days in sub-zero weather. January is already so depressing, why add traffic and delays into the mix? It takes me long enough to scrape the impenetrable ice off my window in the morning using whatever loyalty card I can find.

o For the first time in a fair few years I have the opportunity to have a lie in but this got me to thinking, what is a lie in?

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For those who might have wondered the same thing, after doing a little research I can reveal a lie in is any amount of time spent in bed more than you usually would sleep in. For me I guess that would mean staying in bed until at least 5am.

o It’s no longer possible to scan through your social media feeds without seeing at least one video about some odd food pairing. Some of them I admit I could go for, but the line was drawn today when I saw a video on sushi in cheese lava. This is just getting silly now, what could possibly be next?

Doughnuts filled with bacon? Salad drizzled with gravy? It has to stop somewhere.

The world has also now gone unicorn bonkers and no food or drink item is safe from food colouring.