Morning rush-hour travel update

A3(M) near HavantA3(M) near Havant
A3(M) near Havant
Here is the morning travel news.

Current at 8.30am:-

M27 - Delays westbound between junction 12 M275 and junction 11 Fareham, following an accident earlier this morning. Traffic is causing hold-ups westbound from the A3(M) / A27 junction.Delays westbound between junction nine and junction four.Slow traffic eastbound between junction 7 and junction 10.A3(M) - very slow southbound from Horndean to the A27. 45 minute delays.

A27 - No delays

M275 - No delays

M3 - Delays northbound between Southampton and Winchester after a crash on the A34.

Trains - No disruptions

Bus Services - No disruptions

Hovertravel - No disruptions